Dracoventions News

Jan 12, 2025  FileMaker 21.1 and macOS 15 Update
Developer Assistant has been updated to fix script search errors in FileMaker 21.1 as well as new errors discovered in 21.0.
Hands-Free Printer was also updated to fix intermittently returning the wrong list of printers in macOS 15.
A weekly check for plug-in updates has been re-introduced and will tell you if each plug-in update is free with your license. It can be turned on/off in Preferences in the Utility tab of the 2empowerFM Toolbox.   Learn more...
Jul 6, 2024  FileMaker 2024 Update
Developer Assistant has been updated to fix script search errors in FileMaker 2024 (aka FileMaker 21). No other plug-ins required an update.   Learn more...
Dec 1, 2023  FileMaker 20.3 Supported
Developer Assistant has been updated to support new script steps in FileMaker 20.3.   Learn more...
May 18, 2023  FileMaker 2023 Supported
Developer Assistant has been updated to support new script steps in FileMaker 2023. No other plug-ins required updates.   Learn more...
May 12, 2023  HFP fix for macOS 13 on Intel and DA updates
Hands-Free Printer has been updated to work with macOS 13 on Intel processors. Fixed all known script step mistranslations up to FileMaker 19.6.   Learn more...
Jan 2, 2023  HFP Fix for macOS 13 on Intel
Major Hands-Free Printer update released to support macOS 13 Ventura. Additional script step mistranslations fixed in Developer Assistant.   Learn more...
Nov 18, 2021  Plug-in Updates for FileMaker 19.4.1
Updates for all plug-ins have been released to fix problems with FileMaker 19.4.1. These problems include a crash when the 2empowerFM Toolbox is displayed on Windows and errors in Developer Assistant search results on macOS. Errors showing certain dialogs on Windows are also fixed.
Sep 28, 2021  Apple Silicon Support is Out of Beta
Fixed issues with macOS on Intel processor and issues with dark mode on Big Sur. Hands-Free Printer, Dialog Master, and Menu Popper had additional fixes for Big Sur.   Learn more...
Jul 1, 2021  Apple Silicon Support Released
Beta native support for Mac Apple Silicon processors is out now. Non-beta plug-ins will work on AS processors with FileMaker 19.2.x but will not load in FileMaker 19.3 and later and FileMaker 19.3 will not display an error message.
Nov 22, 2020  macOS Big Sur Updates
2empowerFM Hands-Free Printer has been updated for macOS Big Sur. All other plug-ins were already compatible.   Learn more...
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