Dracoventions News
Jul 26, 2009 | 2empowerFM Hash Generator Stores Passwords Safely
A hash is a short sequence of characters that uniquely represents a piece of text. Changing any part of the text will change its hash. Hash Generator (now part of Text Toolkit) allows you to generate hashes using any of the industry standard TR1, MD5, SHA1, SHA256, and SHA512 algorithms. Learn more... |
Jul 19, 2009 | 2empowerFM Keyboard Commander Can Press Keys or Link Hotkeys to Scripts or Variables
2empowerFM Keyboard Commander is now available. Get hundreds of handwritten names entered more quickly than with mouse clicks by using Alt-N to launch your New Person script, Enter to commit the person, or Escape to cancel. Learn more... |
Jul 9, 2009 | Gap_Filler Becomes the 2empowerFM Plug-in Family
The Gap_Filler FileMaker plug-in has become the 2empowerFM Plug-in Family. A single plug-in file will maintain backward compatability for existing users while new plug-in files will control which features are actually installed. |
May 31, 2009 | Gap_filler Brings Unique Drawing and Color Replacement Features to Mac Filemaker
After hundreds of hours of experimenting, developing, and testing, the biggest Gap_Filler release of the year brings unique drawing and color replacement features to the Macintosh and improves them on Windows. Learn more... |
Mar 8, 2009 | Searching in Scripts and Field Metadata Has Never Been Easier
Gap_Filler for Windows search has been extended to work within the "Manage Database" field metadata, and searching in scripts is more reliable in FM9 and FM10. Learn more... |
Jan 22, 2009 | Gap_Filler Announces FileMaker 10 Compatability
All functions have been updated and tested to work in FileMaker 10. Learn more... |
Sep 22, 2008 | Gap_Filler - Now with Mac Hotkeys, Clipboard, and International Support
Gap_Filler is back with more Mac functionality, a developer license, and international support. Learn more... |
Jul 15, 2008 | Hotkey and Keyboard Simulation Functions Ported to Macintosh
The migration of hotkey and keyboard simulation features to the Macintosh platform is complete, as is the migration of the progress bar dialog. |
Jun 18, 2008 | Gap_Filler Makes Clipboard Accessible to Macintosh Users
Macintosh users can now read and write to the clipboard using new functions in Gap_Filler. Anything text-based copied from another program can now be moved from the clipboard into a FileMaker field. This includes scripts and layout items copied from FileMaker. |
Jun 18, 2008 | Gap_Filler Overhauled to support Unicode in All Functions
To support international languages, extensive work was done to make Gap_Filler support 'Unicode' characters in all its functions. |