Dialog Master is a FileMaker® Pro database plugin that lets you display dialog boxes in FileMaker Pro with unlimited flexibility.
Dialogs lay themselves out so you don't have to spend time dragging text and fields around a FileMaker layout just to provide a place for your users to enter information and click "OK". Users are already used to using dialogs in every other computer program, so a dialog is usually the most comfortable way for a user to enter information.
So simple.
Create a basic dialog with a short, easy function call:
Create an advanced dialog by simply adding more controls as parameters to the same function call. You don't have to think about moving controls to the next line or tell checkboxes to form neat columns. Just add one control after another:
Dialogs automatically conform to the official Macintosh or Windows User Interface Guidelines so your dialogs look professional.
Take control.
You want more control? You've got it.
A dialog like the one above can be used to simplify searches. For example, if the user types a phone number, your script can search for that number in Home, Work, Mobile, and Fax FileMaker fields.
Many controls.
Create a secure logon dialog using additional controls like multi-level pop-up menus and password fields:
All dialog controls have full Unicode support so any written language can be included.
The dialog does its own time estimate, grows taller to fit whatever text you ask it to display, and includes a button to cancel the task.
With infinite flexibility, Dialog Master is the most versatile dialog tool available for FileMaker, yet you'll be surprised how easy it is to make the basic dialogs you'll use every day. Give it a try - free for 30 days.
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