At the same time, Layout Painter is one of our hardest plugins to maintain, requiring an enormous amount of testing and tweaking with each new FileMaker version to ensure that drawing operations remain in sync with how FileMaker handles drawing internally.
Therefore, we have reluctantly decided to discontinue development and sale of Layout Painter for the foreseeable future and it will not be updated to work with FileMaker versions after FileMaker 11.
If you would like to see Layout Painter return to active development, click here.
Layout Painter lets you use scripts or field values to draw lines, polygons, tabs, buttons, text, or color directly on your FileMaker® Pro database layout. Create graphs or images with triangles, pie slices, and rectangles.
Place an image of tabs in FileMaker, then use Layout Painter to recolor and draw on the image to highlight the active tab (shown to the right). The same tab image can be used in many databases and you can even create multiple images for multi-row tabs. As a bonus, you'll also get certain functions from 2empowerFM Keyboard and Mouse that let you calculate which tab was clicked and handle clicking in Preview mode.
Tabs aren't limited to static images. Layout Painter can draw tab shapes on the left, right, top, and bottom of areas. You can change each tab's color, location, and text. Can't fit as many tabs on the screen as you need? An example is included which draws a clickable arrow to show when more tabs can be scrolled into view (see picture).
Questions? Feedback? Bugs? We're happy to help! Contact Us